
Kotor steam black screen
Kotor steam black screen

kotor steam black screen kotor steam black screen

The fact that they don't work on my 2500K's graphics is quite sad.Īdditional Information 2: be9bf493184e8a1cc6dbc11c84c53984Īdditional Information 4: a0997196efb56d84f9f4ce5a43974546 I have played these games in the past on extremely old intel graphics chipsets from the pentium 4 era. The fault module is always the intel graphics driver dll. The problem is that the games will run, play the intro movies, briefly show a blank black screen, before crashing with a "kotor/kotor2 has stopped working" message. One big one being that neither games work on my 2500K's graphics and I'm not the only one experiencing this. Since Kotor and Kotor II have come to steam some issues have arisen.

Kotor steam black screen